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  • tomas2351

The Ultimate Tart Crust recipe Pâte Brisée

Updated: Feb 3, 2023

I used this dough for a pecan pie, but it is great for any tart. Turns out that it was perfect for the pecan pie, and it is not difficult to make if you are so inclined.

There are techniques the Food Network will never show you. Refer to the video for the “Top Secret” technique.

I used an 8” false bottom tart pan and rolled it thick because the pecan pie baked for about an hour. Sometimes if I know the baking time will be shorter, I’ll roll it thinner so that it cooks faster. Sometimes I might even place the tart pan directly on the pizza stone for added crispness.

200 Grams All Purpose Flour

100 Grams Cold Unsalted Butter

30 Grams granulated Sugar

1 Teaspoon Salt

1 Large Egg lightly beaten with 10 ML cold water (about a tablespoon)

Cut the butter in to small cubes and refrigerate to harden it.

Mix the flour, salt and sugar and then sift it onto your work area.

Use pastry knives to incorporate the butter into the flour. When it resembles sand, incorporate the egg and water until it looks like a dough is forming.

Wrap the dough in plastic and chill for at least one hour. You can keep the dough for up to two days.

Kiss your self for making deliciousness

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