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  • tomas2351

The Best Saltimbocca. Jumps into the mouth better than authentic and traditional

Updated: Apr 2

I've had a love affair with Saltimbocca ever since the first time I had it when I was in my twenties. So, my first time having this was pre-internet. Not all restaurants deliver the same dish so be prepared for disappointment. Yes I have judged restaurants, sometimes harshly, by the Saltimbocca.

I would scour recipe books at B&N or or Border's Books, this is pre-amazon, for recipes for Saltimbocca. The results from the books and eventually from Google have been horrifying.

I suspect that the real true authentic Saltimbocca is not the one that I love, but the one that I love is the most delicious.

We recently visited Ralph's in Philadelphia.

When I tasted their's, it brought back memories of the first time I ever had it. Oh, Ralph's, I can't say enough good things about that place.

So, this is my take on what I tasted at Ralph's, and I'm very happy with it.

Chicken or Veal or Pork

Baking sheet

Sauté Pan

1 – 1 ½ LBS chicken or veal or pork cutlets –

Chicken breast sliced to about ¼ inch cutlets

2 cups of Marsala wine sauce

5 oz package of baby spinach

1 clove of garlic - crushed

½ LB of thin sliced prosciutto

8 oz shredded mozzarella

¼ cup of flour for dusting

Salt and pepper

2 TBS olive oil

Preheat the oven to 350 ° F

Heat 1 TBS of olive oil in a sauté pan and add the garlic and sauté until soft, about 2 minutes.

Add the spinach and sauté until it is wilted, then set aside a cool.

Season the cutlets with salt and pepper

Dredge the cutlets in flour

Sauté the cutlets in olive oil, about 1 minute per side. Don’t cook them all the way through because they will finish cooking in the oven.

Place the partially cooked cutlets on a baking sheet.

When all of the cutlets have been partially cooked, start assembling the saltimbocca.

Start by layering a slice of prosciutto on each cutlet

Add a mound of spinach to each cutlet

Spoon some Marsala wine sauce and mushrooms onto each cutlet

Cover each cutlet with mozzarella

Bake the cutlets at 350 ° F for about 10 minutes, until the cheese melts and starts to brown.

Serve the saltimbocca with a little more Marsala wine sauce and some pasta on the side.

Kiss yourself for making deliciousness.

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