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The Best Apple Pie Ever in the history of apple pies

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

This is the best apple pie I have ever tasted, let alone baked. The pie filling is from the book, “Professional Pastry Chef” - ISBN 10: 0471285765 / ISBN 13: 9780471285762 by Bo Friberg, a Certified Master Pastry Chef and Instructor at The Culinary Institute of America at Greystone.

If you have never been to Greystone, get on it. It is the old Christian Brothers property, taken over by the CIA (the good one). The Culinary Institute of America opened this magnificent facility on 1995.

The pie dough is from the book, “Baking with Julia” ISBN 0-688-14657-0

Using a line from Kill Bill, to explain how good this pie is, “If you're gonna compare a Hanzo sword, you compare it to every other sword ever made... that wasn't made by Hattori Hanzo”, and now the quest begins to see if there is a better apple pie.

I think this apple filling recipe would be great with just the caramelized apples. You probably don’t need the cream, and liquor, but it is amazing.

I had been making apple tarts for quite some time, and that too is fun and delicious, but this filling is the tart filling on steroids that haven’t been invented yet. Maybe in a future video, I’ll do the classic apple tart for comparison.

The Filling:

5 pounds of apples. I used ½ Granny Smith and ½ Honey Crisp

1 pound of sugar

10 ounces butter

2 teaspoons cinnamon

1 cup bourbon

1 cup heavy cream

½ cup orange liquor – I used Cointreau

Mix the sugar and cinnamon

Peel and core the apples. Cut them into eighths – wedges

Melt the butter on a stock pot and add the apples

Sautee for about 5 minutes then add the sugar and cinnamon

Stir it up

When the juices are released, pour as much liquid as you can into a skillet and cook the juice over high heat until it caramelizes

Keep the apples over a medium flame while caramelizing the liquid.

When the liquid has passed the soft ball stage keep a close watch and just before it begins to darken, like almost burnt, add it back to the apples.

Add the bourbon, cream and orange liquor. Simmer and reduce the liquid by half.

The Pie Dough:

Enough for 1 pie with lid.

2 ½ cups all pourpose flour

1 ½ teaspoons salt

3 ounces cold unsalted butter

5 ½ ounces cold shortening (I used lard)

½ cup cold water

Mix the salt and flour

Cut the butter and shortening into the flour using pastry knives or bench scrapers.

Do not touch the mixture with your hands if you can avoid it. Just use the pastry knives to cut it all together until it looks like sand.

Mound the flour and shortening mixture into a hill and make a well in the middle.

Pour in the water and then use the pastry knives to form the dough.

Refer to the video for the “top secret” technique for the final dough.

Wrap in plastic and refrigerate overnight.

The Apple Pie:

Cut the dough into two parts, but not in half, more like 1/3 and 2/3

Roll out the larger piece to fit the bottom of you pie pan. In my case I used a false bottom pan like you would for a quiche.

Fit the bottom into the pan and trim of the large excess, but keep some, maybe watch the video for this.

The book says to paint a little melted butter onto the bottom. I didn’t do this in the video, but I usually do.

I like to sprinkle a tiny bit of corn starch into the bottom as well as it helps to jell any excess liquids that could accumulate.

Spoon in the filling to fill the pie about ¾ full.

Roll out the top piece and place it on top of the filling. Moisten your finger with water to seal the top to the bottom.

Use your index finger of one hand to fit between the index and thumb of the other to pinch the top into a fluted pattern. You can see in the video that this is where I’m just no good, but I get it done.

Paint the top with some egg wash (egg white of one egg mixed with 1 TBS of cold water). Sprinkle some sugar on top.

Place the pie on a baking sheet so that if any liquid leaks out, it does not spill into the bottom of the oven and make smoke.

Carve a design in the lid for venting.

Bake at 375° F for about an hour. Use the middle rack for this in the oven.

Let it cool but serve warm.

Making the filling - you can do this a few days in advance or same day, but you need to let it cool.

Make the pie dough the day before. Warning, this video contains secrets that will likely get me wacked by the culinary police.

Assembling and baking the pie, your path to blissful deliciousness - KD TV is for the band Knuckle Deep -

Kiss yourself for making deliciousness

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