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Papas Bravas or Patatas Bravas

Updated: Aug 28

Spent my birthday in the Ribera del Duero Wine Region. 

Tasted some amazing wines and had some incredible meals during the whole trip. 

We were lucky enough to not get caught in any tourist traps even though we went to tourist places. 

For example; the Hotel Riu Plaza España, 360º Rooftop Bar had fantastic tapas.  The tripe with chorizo was among the best I’ve ever tasted, and this was one of the many places where we had papas bravas.  Papas bravas was one of those items that every restaurant recommended and we were never disappointed.  We also had our fair share of Jamon, Pulpo, and Croquetas. OMG - the Pulpo!!

I decided to try to recreate this dish at home and unfortunately, none of the recipes on Google or YouTube seemed right.  I’m sure there are many ways to do it, but I was looking to recreate my experience in Madrid or Barcelona and these recipes were not going to cut it.

Apparently there are many variations of this dish, including shortcuts that include ketchup and mayonnaise, and sometimes fried tomatoes.  That all said, I’m certain that every time we had it, it was the non-tomato version.  I will try the fried tomato version in the future for comparison.

The place in Ribera del Duero served theirs with a fried egg on top.  It was transcendent, the egg yolk mixing with the bravas sauce.....

Now, I did make my own twist on this, but from necessity.  My wife can’t handle piquant spice, so I replaced hot paprika with California sweet.  Otherwise, this is dead on to what I remember during our trip, and everyone who has tasted it, whether they’ve been to Spain or not, has loved it.

You can make this a vegan recipe by replacing the beef stock with “Kitchen Basics” vegetable stock, and swapping out the butter.

I have made this with homemade beef stock and “Better than Bouillon” and both were good.  Homemade beef stock with all of its rich collagen is obviously better, but using an alternative is not going to kill the sauce.


For the potatoes:

3 Russet Potatoes diced into 1 inch cubes

2 TBS olive oil


For the sauce:


1 TSP Spanish Paprika

1 TSP California Sweet Paprika (my version – otherwise use hot paprika)

1/4 tsp smoked paprika

1 small white onion medium to small dice

1 large clove of garlic crushed and minced

8 oz beef stock - (I used homemade and it is better)

1 TBS butter

1 TBS flour


Make the Bravas Sauce


Sauté the onion until it gains color.

Add the garlic and Sauté a minute or two longer to release the aromas but do not burn the garlic.

Add the paprika and stir to release aromas – 30 seconds to a minute.

Add the flour and butter and cook another minute or so.

Whisk in the beef stock cook a few more minutes to thicken.

Purée the Bravas Sauce in a blender.

Season with salt and pepper.


Toss the potatoes in the olive oil and roast them at 400° turning them periodically to make them tender on the inside and crispy on the outside.  About 30 minutes.


I did mine in the wood fired oven so I just needed to keep a carful watch.  If you blink, you can burn it.


Season the potatoes with a bit of salt, but don’t go crazy because the sauce with the potatoes is a marriage made in heaven.



Kiss yourself for making deliciousness


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