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  • tomas2351

Mushroom Cream Sauce Recipe

Updated: Feb 3, 2023

This is one of those recipes that can be adjusted so many ways and still be awesome. You can introduce other mushrooms or other herbs to accent different flavors.

This is just the Mushroom sauce recipe. Schnitzel is on another page, but they go together.

I’ve been a huge fan of Schnitzel for, all my life, but have never experienced it in the, “old country”. Still every time I see a place that has it, I give it a try.

If you are ever in the New Egypt NJ area – try this place -

If you happen to be in South Philly, try this place -

If you are lucky enough to visit Durham NC, this place is the BOMB,

One day I bought this at Costco and it was really good.

So I decided to experiment a little. Honestly, the one from Costco is delicious and easy to do, so if you are not inclined to follow my steps, I recommend the Costco version.

1 package of Baby Bella Mushrooms – 8 oz

1 package of sliced shitake mushrooms 3.5 oz

1 shallot

8 oz of beef stock (unsalted preferred)

4 oz cream – can be heavy or light cream

¼ tsp dried tarragon

¼ teaspoon dried thyme

2 TBS unsalted butter

1 TBS olive oil

2 oz dry red wine

Salt and pepper to taste

Small amount of roux 1 tsp butter 1 tsp flour – just a tiny bit of thickening - maybe

Reserve two whole baby Bella mushrooms – finely chop the rest, but it does not need to be as fine as if you were making Duxelles

Slice the remaining mushrooms

Mince the shallot and sauté in 1 TBS of olive oil and 1 TBS of butter

When the shallots are translucent, add the mushrooms

Sauté until the mushrooms release all of their liquid and the liquid evaporates

Deglaze with the dry red wine and reduce

Add the stock and simmer until it reduces a little bit but not quite half

Add the cream and the herbs. Simmer until it thickens slightly. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

If it is not thick enough to your liking, add a little roux and cook to thicken. Or omit this step, it is up to you.

If you just don’t have time to make this – use a can of Campbell’s Cream of mushroom soup simmered with a tablespoon of Lipton’s beefy onion soup powder. It’s actually very good.

Kiss yourself for making deliciousness

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