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  • tomas2351

Goobers - Boiled Peanuts

Updated: Mar 25, 2022

I remember reading about boiled peanuts in the 90s. There was an article in Food & Wine magazine.

I think they were called goobers in the article and the discovery was described.

Never did get a chance to have them until our family vacation in July 2013. Somewhere between Savannah GA and the Florida border, there was a road stand with fresh peaches and boiled peanuts.

Give me a minute while I reminisce…..

Oh, those peaches are the meaning of life. And the boiled peanuts are the bonus round.

Of course, when we got home, we wanted boiled peanuts.

I found a web site that sells raw peanuts – you guessed it -

Of course my first few time doing this, I was either very successful or failed miserably.

Over the years, I’ve gotten better at it. I don’t like overdone peanuts. I don’t like it when they are all mushy. I prefer my peanuts to be al dente and have a full flavor. They don’t taste like dry roasted nuts, but still do have a great peanut flavor.

Now I buy my raw peanuts a local Asian market, when they have them.

While this is a very easy recipe, it is one of those that requires attention.

Funny how this video, something happened that never happened before. The nuts were done way way sooner than expected.

I actually had to cool them down to prevent over cooking. My guess is that they were very fresh.

Most times the shell of the nuts are dry and perhaps a little brittle though still raw.

These nuts felt like they were still moist from the soil.

My way:

1 – 2 LBS raw peanuts

1 gallon of water

¼ cup kosher salt

½ cup granulated sugar

A few grinds of black pepper (optional)

Any spice blend that you think you might like (optional)

You can adjust the salt and sugar as you see fit.

Bring the water to the boil and then add the nuts.

Reduce to a simmer

Simmer for about an hour and then start testing.

Test a nut every ½ hour top see if it is done

When the nuts are still firm and almost perfectly al dente, uncover the pot and shut the flame.

They are done in ½ hour.

Of course this is not what happened to me this go around. My nuts were done prematurely and had to be put on ice. This is perfect though, because you can see how to salvage the situation.

Enjoy those nuts.

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